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An alternative solution when you need help with sensitive workplace issues

Welcome to the George Brown College Whistleblower Complaint Line


ConfidenceLine is George Brown College's authorized external service provider for reporting unethical or improper conduct. The service is available to all members of the George Brown College community (the Board of Governors; employees; students; volunteers; visiting scholars; any other persons while they are acting on behalf of or at the request of the college; any agent, vendor, subcontractor, contractor, or company providing a product or service to the college, or who is involved in a request for proposal/tender process issued by the college; and appointees).

The ConfidenceLine E-Web reporting system offers a secure, state-of-the-art online reporting process to send information confidentially to George Brown College. Review the George Brown College's Whistleblower Policy for more details.

Complaints submitted via ConfidenceLine can be made anonymously so your IP addresses are not tracked, and you can choose to omit any personal information if desired. ConfidenceLine will transmit any complaint it receives for review and investigation in accordance with George Brown College's Whistleblower Policy.

How to Create a Report

1. Click the "Continue to Create Report" button at the bottom of this page.

2. The system will provide you with a username and you will be asked to create a password. The username and password allow you to receive communications from George Brown College or to update information in your file.

3. Preliminary instructions will be provided below. Please read them carefully.

4. You will find a series of questions asking for information about your concern. You can skip questions that do not apply to you.

5. At the end of the process, you can edit the final report before it is sent to the designated reviewer at George Brown College.

6. When you are satisfied with the report, press the "Submit Report" button to confidentially send your report to the designated reviewer at George Brown College.

Inactivity period

If there is a period of inactivity lasting more than 60 minutes, the system will cancel your access to the program for security purposes. If this happens, please start the process from the beginning.

Designated reviewer for complaints

Review George Brown College's Whistleblower Policy for details about the designated reviewer of complaints. If the designated reviewer is the subject of your complaint, the ConfidenceLine process ensures the report is not forwarded to individuals who may be involved.

View the Response to Your Submission

To view George Brown College's response to your submission, log in with your username and password. You can send communications to George Brown College's designated reviewer. Type your message in the "Add Communication" field and click the "Save" button. An email alert will be sent to the George Brown College designated reviewer.

Contact ConfidenceLine

You can also submit a report by calling ConfidenceLine at 1 (877) 876-6677. Call agents are available 24 hours a day.

The ConfidenceLine E-Web reporting system allows you to upload documentation or evidence related to your report. You can also forward documentation to ConfidenceLine administration who will manage the upload for you confidentially.

Documents, memos, pictures, emails, or any other supporting material in hard copy can be forward the following ways:

Please ensure your documents are marked “Confidential” and include your ConfidenceLine E-Web reporting system username on the documentation. We will be unable to upload your documents to the file unless you include your username. ConfidenceLine will remove any identifiers that may jeopardize your anonymity before uploading your submitted materials for review.

Continue to Create Report